Lawn Service Boise
We are your lawn service Boise experts! Let us help you free up your weekends so you have more time for the important things in life. Instead of wasting your time taking care of the yard, spend your weekends with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or even playing couch potato and trust that your yard has never looked better.
When we come to your property, we are going to be completely thorough in our service. We are so confident in our team and service we guarantee you will be absolutely delighted. We truly believe we are your best option for lawn service in Boise and surrounding areas such as Meridian, Kuna, Eagle, and Star.
So, give us a call now at 208-906-3220.
Each Service Includes The Following:
1. Mowing with a professional grade lightweight mower that won’t tear up your yard.
2. Line trimming all the areas on the property including fences, around posts, trees, and curbs.
3. Edging the sidewalks, driveways, and curbs with a metal blade edger.
4. Blowing all grass clippings off of sidewalks, driveways, decks, etc...

A Personal 100% Absolute, Risk Free, Guarantee
We want you to be totally thrilled with our service...so absolutely delighted, you will recommend us to your friends and neighbors. You are the judge. If our work is not excellent, we will re-do the item in question for FREE. Nothing is more important to us than your complete satisfaction. We are your lawn service Boise experts!
Benefits: Lawn Service Boise
- More Time In Your Week To Spend On The More Important Things Of Life
- Clean, Neat, Well Cut Lawn Free of Debris and Clippings
- Reliable, Same Day Service Every Week
- Fast Response But Not a Rushed Job
- Conscientious – Gates Closed and Environmentally Friendly
Boise Residential Lawn Care
Do you want to have the best lawn on the block? If you want to truly dominate your neighbors and have a lush, thriving lawn, there are some lawn care best practices you need to be aware of. As your lawn service Boise experts, we have the answers!
Of course, there are some general best practices you need to be aware of. But to really take your yard to the next level, you must also understand how to care for the lawn in your specific climate and area. Below, your lawn service Boise experts have detailed information on how to best care for your lawn in general, as well as information on how to succeed specifically in the Boise, ID area.
If you would rather free up your time and have someone else take care of your yard and just want to know how to make sure you get the best company, you will find that information below as well.
Here are a few simple tips that will help you improve the health and look of your lawn no matter where you live.
Sharpen Those Blades
Making sure you have sharp mowing blades is essential to keeping a healthy lawn. When your lawn mower blades are dull, they will actually tear the grass instead of cut it. This is hard on the grass and increases its susceptibility to disease and drought. You will also notice that your lawn won't look quite as green after it has been mowed. This is due to browning of the leaf blade tops that is a result of being torn instead of cut properly.
Commercial mowing companies have to sharpen their blades more often because of the shear number of lawns they mow on a daily basis. If you are mowing your lawn on a regular basis once a week, you won't have to sharpen your blades as often, but you should check them for sharpness once a month or so.
It seems like a very basic idea, but if you make sure you have sharp blades, you will immediately notice a difference in your lawns appearance and health.
Mow Frequently
Many homeowners are unsure of how frequent they should mow their lawn. The best practice in this case is to consider the 1/3 rule. This rule states that you should never remove more than 1/3 of the total leaf blade during one cut. This is hard on the grass plant, causing stress and increased susceptibility to disease.
So, it is the rate at which the grass is growing which will ultimately determine how often you should be mowing. This will change through out the year based on the season and precipitation. For example, grass grows very rapidly in the spring months, but leaf growth during the hot dry months of summer slows drastically.
Generally speaking, you will be safe if you are mowing about every 5-7 days. This will ensure that you are never removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade during each cut. It is very important that you avoid letting your lawn grow for several weeks between each mow as this will cause stress and thinning of the grass.
If you do happen to miss your weekly schedule of mowing, you should raise the mowing height to reduce the percent of the grass blade you will be removing and then work back down to the regular mowing height over the next couple of mowings. Or, you can have your lawn service Boise experts take over and rest assured your lawn is taken care of right!
Do NOT Remove Grass Clippings
Unfortunately it has become common practice in the Boise, ID area to bag and remove grass clippings. There are many reasons why you should leave your clippings on the lawn, and as your lawn service Boise experts, we recommend you do.
Here are a few reasons why:
It saves you money.
When you remove biomass from the turf area, you are actually removing some vital nutrients that would otherwise add to the growth and health of your lawn. Studies have shown that depositing the grass clippings back on the lawn can ad up to 1 lb of nitrogen to the lawn. This is the equivalent of one fertilizer application. Given that you would regularly only apply fertilizer around four times throughout the year, you can plan on saving about 25% in cost on your fertilizer bill just by leaving the clippings.
There is a popular myth that clippings should be removed because if not it will cause thatch build up and harm your lawn. This has been studied and the evidence actually suggests the opposite. Don't take my word for it. Look at some of the following findings from studies done on the subject.
"A common misconception is that clippings left on the lawn will promote thatch buildup. This is not true. Clippings do not make significant contributions to thatch and should be returned to the lawn whenever possible." - msue.anr.msu.edu
"Grass clippings are too valuable to waste! When left on the lawn, properly mowed grass clippings filter down to the soil and decompose rapidly, usually within a few weeks. During the breakdown process, the clippings feed soil organisms, recycle plant nutrients, and contribute organic matter to the soil. As a result, water is conserved and less fertilizer is needed." - www.uidaho.edu
"When you mow regularly and at the proper height, your lawn is improved by recycling grass clippings." - www.uaex.edu
The results are in, leave those grass clippings!
Water Deeper and Longer
Last but not least, you should water less often but for longer periods of time and deeper. Watering correctly will have a huge impact on your overall results.
Homeowners often think that giving the lawn a quick drink each day is the best way to go. It is actually much better for your lawn to water it less often but longer and deeper. When you water your lawn deeper, you are encouraging the roots to venture deeper into the soil in search of water. This allows the lawn to better weather droughts and disease. On the flip side, if you water your lawn often and shallow, you will get really shallow roots. When you get a really hot summer day, the roots won't have adequate access to the soils moister because of its shallow roots and will stress and possibly even enter dormancy.
Exactly how much and how often you should water will depend on the season. In the spring, we tend to have more moisture from rainfall, so you can often water once or twice a week. During the hot months of summer, you should focus more on applying 1.5 to 2 inches of water per week over 2-3 applications.
So, take it from your lawn service Boise experts and water less often but deeper and for longer periods of time.
Local Lawn Care
Now that you have a better understanding of the general best practices for improving your lawn, lets help you get to the next level by understanding how climate and different types of grasses specific to our area here in Boise, ID will influence how you care for your yard.
Know Your Climate
This one is actually pretty straightforward. I am sure you have already noticed that it gets really hot in the summer where often weeks will pass without seeing a drop of rain, and the winters get cold enough for months of snow. Technically, we live in a semi-arid continental climate with four seasons. But for the sake of keeping this simple, you will just need to recognize that we live in a cool climate. It is important to know the climate because the climate determines what types of grasses your lawn may consist of. It will also influence when and how long to water your lawn for the best results.
Know Your Grass
It often comes as a surprise to those who are unfamiliar with lawn care, but all lawns are not grown from one type of grass. There are many different varieties and types of grasses that have been designed to thrive in specific circumstances. Generally speaking, there are cool season grasses and warm season grasses. In Boise, ID and surrounding areas, you will very rarely come across warm season grasses. However, you should make yourself familiar with the more common types of cool season grasses and their associated benefits. At the very least, you should be familiar with the specific type of grass/grasses used in your lawn.
The most common types of cold season grasses you will find in the lawn service Boise area include: Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescues, Fine Fescues, Bent Grass, and Rye Grass. These cool season grasses can also be broken down into two groups, spreading grasses and clumping grasses. There are pros and cons to both types, and it is important to know them, so you can make sure and get the right grass for the right job.
Bunching Grasses
Bunching grasses are classified as such because they grow through the use of tillers. A tiller is a vegetative growth off of the original grass plant that will then root into the ground and produce another plant. Grasses that spread through this method will start from a center point and grow outward. An advantage to this type of grass is you don't have to work so hard to keep grass from growing into your flower beds, yet the disadvantage is your lawn does not fill in as well and is more likely to thin because of foot traffic.
Spreading Grasses
Spreading grasses such as Kentucky Blugrass use underground roots called rhizomes to spread. Rhizomes can grow several feet underground before resurfacing to start a new grass plant. This method allows the turf to really fill in and stay dense under rough conditions. However, you will have a harder time keeping your flower beds grass free.
How To Choose The Best Lawn Care Company
If you prefer to spend your time elsewhere and looking for some advice to make sure you find the best company to take care of your yard, consider some of the tips below.
Do They Have Proper Licensing?
When choosing from the many options out there, it is always important to make sure the company has the proper business license to offer the needed services.
You should always ask for proof of proper licensing before you sign up with a company. If a someone is offering you service but cannot prove proper licensing, that is a good indicator that they are cutting corners in many areas of the business. That means it is also very likely that they are cutting corners in areas that will be very important for you in the future such as acquiring proper insurance, using the right equipment, and the customer experience. There are so many options to choose from, you should never have to settle for a company that does not have proper licensing.
Do They Have Insurance?
Many would argue that even more important than having the proper license from the state is making sure the company has proper insurance.
If the company does not have the necessary insurance, you as the homeowner will be held accountable for any type of damage or accident that occurs while they are servicing the property. This could range from the minor issues of a rock flying up and breaking out a window to the extreme of death. Although it is not all that likely that someone will actually die while on your property, it is much more likely that someone could be injured. Whether that is someone on the team that is servicing the property, or just someone visiting the home that is injured you could be held responsible. Do yourself a favor and make sure the company you choose has the right insurance for the job they will be performing.
What Do Current And Past Customers Have To Say?
These days it is easy to quickly do a background check on companies to see how happy their current customers have been with them in the past. You can turn to resources such as reviews on their Google business pages, Yelp, Angieslist, and the Better Business Bureau.
It is always a good idea to do a quick check and make sure the majority of customers have been happy with the service in the past. It is wise to remember that when people give reviews they are usually either "devils or angels", or in other words, they have either been very happy with their service, or they have been extremely displeased with a certain situation. So, it would be prudent to take the outlying reviews with a grain of salt.
The truth is the quality of service usually falls somewhere in the middle. However, you will see that some companies do exceptionally well and have very happy customers. It is also important to take notice of how many reviews total have been submitted. If a company only has a few reviews, a low score can really make them look bad for no reason. All that said, I can promise you won't regret taking a few minutes to do some research before you take on a long term relationship with a company.
Local Lawn Companies - Lawn Service Boise
Personally I also think it is important to try and go with a locally based company. There are many advantages with sticking to local companies, and you will also be investing your dollars in your local community. The larger a company gets, the more red tape and bureaucracy you will have to deal with. This often means a poor customer experience because clients are treated more as numbers than people. Larger companies must also make important business decisions based on the majority of their customers. Because needs vary based on location and other important factors, it is likely your needs won't be met at an optimum level.
Boise Lawn Service List
As your lawn service Boise, ID experts, we offer much more than weekly maintenance. Here are the additional services we offer: